Peristaltic pumps operate using a tubing system that transfers a test sample into a closed container, without coming into direct contact with its components, ensuring the integrity of the sterility testing process. Besides ensuring equal splitting of sample volumes, it offers precise control over flow rates and eliminates the generation of particles and aerosols, safeguarding both the process and the operator.
Several considerations should be taken into account to ensure its suitability.
Compliance with 21 CFR Part 11 and EU Annex 11 is crucial as these regulations set standards for electronic records and signatures in the pharmaceutical and life sciences industries. Adhering to these requirements ensures the integrity, reliability, and security of electronic data, promoting transparency, traceability, and regulatory adherence in critical processes such as sterility testing.
Non-compliance may lead to regulatory sanctions and organizations can be faced with warning letters from regulatory authorities and potentially a market recall. Ensuring compliance is not only a regulatory requirement but also a strategic approach to maintaining operational excellence and industry credibility.
Best practice recommends that users should utilize manufacturer services, including Instrument Qualification (IQ) and Operational Qualification (OQ), to ensure the proper functioning and compliance with regulatory standards. It is advisable to conduct requalification or include an annex to the IQ/OQ binder when implementing device upgrades.